Green CO2-free steelmaking route based on H2-plasma technology
Project focus
The main objective of H2PlasmaRed is to develop a green CO2-free steelmaking route based on H2-plasma technology while promoting a circular economy by valorizing industrial sidestreams to meet the targets of the European Green Deal for reducing CO2 emissions in the steel industry across Europe.
Meet the targets of the European Green Deal

Our ambition is to introduce a
Near CO2 free reduction process
Explore the Hydrogen plasma smelting reduction (HPSR) process
Develop HPSR from TRL5 to TRL7
Innovative solutions for process control and modeling
Framework for upscaling and uptake
Long-lasting impact and deployment
News & articles

Made in Europe: from mine to electric vehicle
The documentary “Made in Europe: from mine to electric vehicle” investigates the challenges faced by Europe as it attempts to set up its own, fully integrated, mine-to-EV value chain.
The film acts as a wake-up call to avoid that Europe’s decarbonisation strategy leads to a nightmarish de-industrialisation. Instead, the documentary shows that Europe’s transition to climate neutrality can go hand in hand with a cleantech-based re-industrialisation. Made-in-Europe.